Saturday, June 25, 2011

OCD nesting!

Recently I have been biten by an OCD bug or could it be that I am prematurely nesting?  We have several little places in our house that are complete messes.  It's not that we like to be clutter fact I throw so much away because I don't want to be a pack rat. It's just that we get so busy that we throw things into places that they belong but we don't take the time to put them back properly.  During Memorial Day weekend I had several little projects I wanted to tackle. As I got things crossed off my list I started to find more and more places I wanted to organize and clean. 

Heres a picture of our kitchen "junk" drawer. I wish I would have taken a pic of the drawer before I started taking things out.  Seriously, how many pens & sharpies does one family need?
 Here's the empty drawer with more junk around it. 
A better looking drawer

 After I tackle the junk drawer. I went in for our "pantry". I use the term pantry very loosely because we do not have a pantry in this house.  Instead its a cabinet.  Here is all the expired items from the pantry in our trash can. It got so full that Zachary brought me his trash can from his room. LOL!
 Here's all the stuff that was not expired. I could not believe some of the items that I did not use that expired in 2009.  I think they just got tucked away in the back so I did not know I even had them. Opps!
 And the AFTER photo....much better!  My goal is to really stay on top of the items so that we don't let any go to waste.  We'll see if that happens!
I've since moved on to another part in our home.  The one thing I do like about pregnancy is that it gets me motivated to get things organized and cleaned out!

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