I am officially into the THIRD TRIMESTER!
Maternity Clothes: Besides shirts and dresses...all I wear is maternity clothes. I feel like I am getting big, fast!
Gender: He's a BOY! We have officially named him William Collins and we are going to call him Will. He is named after some very special relatives and friends...which I love that he will have role models to look up to!
Movement: Baby Austin is a mover. We can constantly see his little body moving all the time. Zachary was the same way....praying that I have enough energy to handle play with both of my boys when Will arrives.
What I miss: Being able to carry Zachary. I can't do it...he's just too heavy for me
Cravings: This week all I have wanted to eat is Strawberries.
Symptoms: Heartburn, massive swelling of the fingers and ankles, and Braxton Hicks contractions. I have even had some issues with dehydration which causes me to see black little flashes in my eyes. I was concerned it was high blood pressure however my blood pressure is still super low at 88/56. I just have to slow down and drink more water. My dehydration symptoms are improving because I am constantly drinking water. I am also making a point to SLOW down on our daily activities. Otherwise I am miserable.
You look so cute! It's going by so fast for me! Ha!
Beautiful as always.... look at those attractive calves girl.... ALWAYS!!! :0)
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