Thursday, May 20, 2010

Butterfly Release

I find it ironic that all FIVE of Zachary's butterflies "hatched" on May 4 and 5th which was the same time that my sister had Baby Jerrytt.  God has a funny sense of humor. During Rachel's entire pregnancy Zachary insisted he had FIVE babies and that he was going to have them when Aunt Rachel had her baby.  He was right. He had FIVE butterflies.  After reading more about the life cycle of Butterflies I realized that we needed to release them around the 7-11 day point or else their life cycle would end right before our eyes.  As hard as it was to make Zachary release them he did well.  One of his butterflies has "special" wings similar to NEMO so we let Z keep him.  I am happy to report he is still alive and doing well in his habitat in our home.  This has been the best toy, educational tool, and pet for Zachary.  Thank you Aunt Lou!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Love the pictures of Z, he is too cute! Glad he did good letting his babies go.