Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Contractions & Pain...Oh MY!

Last Tuesday & Wednesday my mom, sister, and the boys took our annual "Back To School" shopping trip.  We try to do an overnight girls trip (with kiddos) at least twice a year. We always go to the same shops, malls, restaurants, and hotel. We always end up having a lot of fun!  The boys have gone along since they were born so they even know the drill. Anyways, on our way home I started having major back pain and contractions while my sister was driving.  It was odd because I have NEVER had a contraction in my life.  When I was preggo with Z I never had Braxton Hicks. Then when he was born I got my epidural before I felt anything because if I did not get it when the doctor was available I wasn't going to get it in time. So I opted to have it before I felt a thing.  Anyways, the entire ride home I had contraction after contraction. When I got home I went straight for the couch and started drinking a ton of water. The contractions decreased but never really stopped.  I called the OB on call and they recommended waiting it out for another hour and if they did not stop to head to Labor & Delivery.  Well during that hour I fell asleep on the couch so I guess they stopped. 

The next morning I was up doing my daily "chores" and the contractions started again.  I was miserable.  I called the OB office and they said to head to L & D.  I couldn't get a hold of my mom...I figured she was working out at the gym.  I found my sister and she said she would meet me at L & D to get Zachary.  Kevin wanted to leave the office but I said No Way Jose!  I knew Will was not coming but I needed to get stablized.  So I went by myself.  Much to my surprise I was put in a room right away and was taken very good care of.  Within 30 minutes I heard a knock on the door and it was my mom. She was at Bible Study and my sister found her.  So she came to keep me company and be my photographer :) 
 Here's a look at the monitor. The top is William's heart rate.  It would stay around 130-140 but with every contraction it would either jump to 160 or drop to 88.  He did not like being squeezed.  The bottom line is my contractions. The little hills are cramping.  The big mountains are contractions. OUCH!
 Here's the heart monitor...Will's was 141 at the time of this picture
 I'm starting to realize that my body was not made to carry babies. I am so blessed that I am able to conceive and deliver healthy babies but my body does not enjoy it one bit.  After a few tests and a urine sample they realized that I had a UTI....which was causing labor like symptoms. Luckily I was no diated or effaced so the contractions were not inducing pre-term labor.  They hooked me up with a prescription for antibiotics and I was out the door in less than 2 hours. 
Needless to say I still feel kinda yucky and I am a cranky grouch.  My doctor says I should feel better in about 2-3 more days! Whoo Hoo!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Only you would have a camera with you at the hospital. :) Glad everything was okay!