A week ago I received some ordered items in a very large box. I was going to toss the box until I realized that the box could probably provide some fun for Zachary. I was right. Zachary and I have played in or with this box daily, sometimes for at least an hour or two. Then Elliott came over one day for lunch and both of the boys enjoyed it. It funny because we have a tent/fort downstairs that is similar but for some reason this "new" box was way cooler. I keep thinking about throwing this box away because it is starting to wear out and get in my way but then Zachary reminds me how much he loves it. So I guess it will stay around for a little bit more.
Elliott taking my lunch order through the drive thru window

Zachary taking my imaginary money for my overpriced "diet coke".

My loves! E & Z
You need to read this book to your son, "Christina Katerina and the Box." I read when I was little and I still have it. I loved it!! It was about a girl and her friend and all the "stuff they created out of one big box, just like E & Z! It's an old book and probably out of print, but worth it if you can find it!
Oh I love these two so much. I am so thankful that I got to see them both on Thanksgiving! So cute in their matching pj's running in circles around the house. My heart melts when they both run toward me screaming my full name so that I may hug them both. They are getting so big but they will both forever be my most specialist men.
I can't wait to see them over Christmas! I will get to be home for almost 10 days!
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