Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Zachary's play date

A couple weeks ago Zachary invited his friend Wyatt over from preschool.  He went to Wyatts house in Decmeber to play and we were well overdue for having him come to our house.  Because I was so sick in Jan-April we are just getting around to having him over. It worked out perfectly because Z had been begging and Wyatts mom had a doctors appointment.  The night before Wyatt came over all I heard from Z was when is Wyatt coming.  He couldn't come over to play fast enough. 

We had the best time with Wyatt in our home.  I was able to get a lot of work done around the house (laundry, bills paid, cleaning, organizing) while the boys played.  It was a delight to hear the giggles and loud boy action noises coming from the basement.  All I could think was in 5 years I would have 2 sons with 2 friends over to play and how loud that would be. It was music to my ears.  They had the best time. 
The boys played Super Heros, Transformers, put on costumes, played with play dough, ate lunch, and then watched a movie.

I texted Kevin while he was at work to tell him that if there was any way possible that he could come home for lunch. Kevin had to see these little guys playing and interacting together. It was so cute. Well Kevin made it home and enjoyed his lunch with Z & W. Wyatt filled us in on all the kids in their preschool class. The stories we heard were hilarious!

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