Tuesday, May 10, 2011

21 weeks!

How Far Along: 21 weeks...I missed last weeks update because I was at a women's retreat.

Size of baby: The baby is the size of a spaghetti squash. Unfortunately, I have been running around like a crazy lady getting things ready for an upcoming trip that I haven't been to the grocery store to purchase a squash.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Well, I have officially gained 14 lbs....OMGoodness! I knew that I was getting big and I knew that I gained weight this month but I was not expecting a 9 lb gain at my OB appointment yesterday. My OB was pleased because I am about 3 lbs under what she would want at this stage. She's thrilled I am growing and gaining.

Maternity Clothes: I have officially pulled out my maternity clothes. I can't stand to wear jeans...even maternity. I can't wait for the warmer weather because I am going to be in maxi dresses, sundresses, and skirts all summer.

Gender:He's a BOY! We have officially named him William Collins and we are going to call him Will. He is named after some very special relatives and friends...which I love that he will have role models to look up to!

Movement: Baby Austin is a mover. I am starting to feel a lot more jabs and flips. My OB said he is head down with his feet in my left rib cage. Boy, that sure is comfortable. LOL!

What I miss: Being able to carry Zachary.  I can't do it...he's just too heavy for me. 

Cravings: No really cravings this week.

Symptoms:  I am officially symptom free! PRAISE GOD!

Best Moment this week: Hearing his heartbeat of 146 at the OB appt.

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

You look adorable, Hil! I love it!