Monday, May 23, 2011

23 weeks

I"VE POSTED 2 POSTS in ONE DAY...make sure to scroll down to see both of them :)

Week 23:  I have 16 weeks and 6 days until my due date (that's 118 days).  My third trimester starts on June 19th!  I felt like the first 15 weeks of this pregnancy took forever because I was so sick.  Now it seems like it is flying by!  Especially since our summer is jam packed with all kinds of fun, family, and friends!

***This photo is terrible...I had Zachary take it since Kevin was at the office.  I think it makes me look HUGE...I'm hoping its just an odd angle and the maxi dress that makes me look that way. LOL!
Size of baby: The baby is the 8 inches long and approx 1.5lbs. My iphone updater says the baby is the size of an ear of corn.    Isn't that smaller than a papaya?  I don't get it but like I have said before I am going to keep comparing this baby to everyday items so that Zachary gets a mental picture of how big his brother is. 

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Well, I have officially gained 12 lbs. I know last week I was up 14 lbs well with all the walking in Chicago and working around my house I am down 2 lbs. I feel like I am eating all the time. I guess Baby Will is just helping me burn some calories. I am sure when I go back to the OB in 2 weeks I will be back up.
Maternity Clothes: Besides shirts and dresses...all I wear is maternity clothes.  I feel like I am getting big, fast!

Gender: He's a BOY! We have officially named him William Collins and we are going to call him Will. He is named after some very special relatives and friends...which I love that he will have role models to look up to!
Movement: Baby Austin is a mover. I am starting to feel a lot more jabs and flips. My OB said he is head down with his feet in my left rib cage. Boy, that sure is comfortable. LOL! Kevin & Zachary can see him moving without even having their hand on my belly.
What I miss: Being able to carry Zachary. I can't do it...he's just too heavy for me.
Cravings: No really cravings this week. I am not really into sweets or desserts...which is not like me.

Symptoms: Heartburn is back and just some bodily exhaustion at the end of the day :)

Best Moment this week: I feel like I am prematurely "NESTING".  I just have this urge to get everything ready for the baby. I am an organizing mama...I'm even organizing stuff that is already organized. Kevin thinks I've lost it but he doesn't mind the OCD behavior. 

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