Saturday, May 21, 2011

22 Weeks!

How Far Along: 22 weeks....Last Sunday. LOL!  We were in Chicago for Kevin's meetings so I'm a little behind posting/blogging. 

Size of baby: The baby is the size of a papaya. We had an educational experience this week finding a papaya. Being that we were in Chicago we found a local grocery store (more like a small Walgreens that residents of Chicago call a grocery store) to find a Papaya. Neither Kevin, Zachary, or myself knew what we were looking for. I kept thinking of a mango but I was wrong.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Well, I have officially gained 12 lbs. I know last week I was up 14 lbs well with all the walking in Chicago and working around my house I am down 2 lbs. I feel like I am eating all the time. I guess Baby Will is just helping me burn some calories. I am sure when I go back to the OB in 2 weeks I will be back up.

Maternity Clothes: I have officially pulled out my maternity clothes. Note to any of my readers who are saving their maternity clothes to wear in the future.....If you are not planning on getting pregnant for 5 years sell your clothes. I pulled out all of mine and was shocked at how ugly they were. Seriously, they were hidious. I thought I would save them to save me some money but I think if I would have sold them immediately in a consignment sale I would have made more money. Also in the 5 years I have been saving them the maternity clothing has changed so much and are much more comforable with secret panels and such. That's my advice.
Gender:He's a BOY! We have officially named him William Collins and we are going to call him Will. He is named after some very special relatives and friends...which I love that he will have role models to look up to!
Movement: Baby Austin is a mover. I am starting to feel a lot more jabs and flips. My OB said he is head down with his feet in my left rib cage. Boy, that sure is comfortable. LOL! Kevin & Zachary can see him moving without even having their hand on my belly.

What I miss: Being able to carry Zachary. I can't do it...he's just too heavy for me.
Cravings: No really cravings this week. I am not really into sweets or desserts...which is not like me.
Symptoms: This week I have really started to ache and feel stretched out in my female parts. Sorry if its TMI but my ligaments are expanding and are really sore. If I sit down at 7 pm don't expect me to get up and do anthing for the rest of the night.
Best Moment this week: Going on a mini-vacation with my boys and getting Baby Will's room cleared out to start purchasing furniture.

1 comment:

Jennifer Horgan said...

I can't believe you are already 22 weeks. I love that shirt and you look great.