Tuesday, March 15, 2011

First OB visit: 5 weeks 4 days

After my weekend in KC with my AXO girls I had an OB appointment.  It was MLK day so I needed a babysitter for Zachary.  I had not told our families that I was expecting because it was so early and we wanted to get everyone together (that's hard to get both of our families together at one time) to tell them.  I also wanted the OB to confirm the pregnancy.  I called my sister and asked her to keep Z. I lied to her.  I know that's not good. But I did not want to spill the beans. I told her I had an appt at my primary care physician for my asthma. 

I went to my OB which she always runs late. After an hour waiting to be seen.  My OB comes in and tells me the blood work looks good.  She said my HCG levels were super high which meant one of two things....
1) the baby is super healthy or 2) there are TWO babies. 

I about fell off the exam table.  She said not to worry.  Then she did an exam and told me my uterus was measuring 8.5 weeks instead of 5.  She immediately leaves the room.  I was freaked!  Next thing you know I was in a holding room waiting for an ultrasound to see if there was ONE or TWO babies.  Please remember I was ALL BY MYSELF and my sister had Z. 

I had to call my sister because I had already been there over 3 hours.  I confessed my lie and asked her to forgive me.  She started crying.  Next thing you know I am going into the ultrasound.  Well...they could not tell if there was one baby or two.  The ultrasound showed one fetal pole with either a shadow or another fetal pole.  I was in complete shock. 

Here's an explaination for the pic....the black sac is the gestational sac.   I just had one. So if there were two babies they would be identical.  At the bottom of the sac is a white little peak or mountian.  That is the first fetal pole.  Directly behind that is another little white peak.  It is either fetal pole #2 (aka baby) or a shadow.  Because I was only 5 weeks it was way to early to tell. 

When I picked up Z my mom was there. I had to tell her.  I have never felt so many emotions within a few minutes.  Kevin was suprised too. Basically we had to wait 2 weeks until I could have another ultrasound to find out if it was one or two.  I was totally feeling like it was ONE baby but I had no idea.

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