Friday, July 23, 2010

One more summer lovin' entry!

A couple days ago I posted a list of my favorite summer things.....I forgot the most important one.  Sleeping in with my baby big boy.  It seems like I always have something planned that I have to hurry and rush around and get out the door for (preschool, errands, meetings, etc.).  During the school year I always try to keep one day open with no appointments or committments so that Zachary and I can stay home. That's the day that I get laundry done, cleaning, phone calls, etc.  It seems like in the summer we are on the go every day.   We have swimming lessons, dental appointments, doctor appointments, etc.  For the past two weeks we have had ZERO commitments.  It has been glorious.  Zachary sleeps in his own bedroom but as soon as he hears Kevin turn on the shower he comes into our bedroom and crawls in bed with me.  We cuddle, go back to sleep, and then watch cartoons.  I. Love. It. I realize that my baby is growing up and one of these days he is not going to climb in bed with me. 

Please take note of the time on the clock!  8:37 a.m. This is two extra hours in bed.  Ignore the retainers and eye drops. But pay attention to the cute little boy in the striped shirt. That is my cousins, Jen & Jacks little man. HE IS ADORABLE. Jen I am sorry I have not written a thank you note yet but we love this picture so much.  Also thanks for all the gifts for Z. He is in love with his wallet with his name on it. You are too sweet!

Here is my little man a cuddled up in our bed. I think he slept until 9:30 am that morning.  He was worn out.  I love it!
Thank you God for moments like these!

1 comment:

Lori said...

LOVE THIS! What a great reminder to soak up the little things, while our babies are still little.