Wednesday, July 27, 2011

32 weeks!

Baby Will is the size of a 3.75lb bag of potatoes..  He is officially 226 days old :)  I am 80.7% of the way through the pregnancy. You gotta love iphone apps for information.  We have 54 days or less until we meet our new baby boy.  I am getting SO excited! 

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Well, I have officially gained 25 lbs. This past week at the OB I didn't gain anything basically because I have been on the go with Big Brother. 

Maternity Clothes: Besides shirts and dresses...all I wear is maternity clothes.

Gender: He's a BOY! We have officially named him William Collins and we are going to call him Will. He is named after some very special relatives and friends...which I love that he will have role models to look up to!

Movement: Baby Austin is a mover. We can constantly see his little body moving all the time. Zachary was the same way....praying that I have enough energy to handle play with both of my boys when Will arrives.

What I miss: Sleeping!  I am still using my pregnancy pillow but it's not working as well as it was during the 2nd trimester.  I am so uncomfortable. It doesn't help that as soon as I get in bed & in position Baby Will thinks it is time to wake up and play.  He has some super ninja skills. 

Cravings: Desserts and Candy....not a good craving to have. Especially when Kevin is trying to watch what he eats. 

Symptoms: For whatever reason most of my symptoms from the previous week have subsided. Some are still present but it wasn't a bad week at all...compared to some and for that I am extremely thankful! Heartburn, swelling, cramping, and fatigue are all a part of my daily schedule but it has been tolerable this week!

Exciting things this week: I had my 2 week OB check up.  Baby  Will is doing great.  I am measuring 37 weeks! YIKES!  But not to this stage in the game with Zachary I was measuring 35 weeks. My OB said that since my body is so compact that the baby has no where to go except out. She's not worried that he's going to be TOO big. She's just glad he is growing and that I have tons of fluid to keep him swimming in.


Misty said...

So cute Hil... love the bag of potatoes. 37 weeks... WOW! I can see where your doc is coming from though. As a short person myself I had that same problem. Take care of yourself.

Lori said...

oH,my! You are getting SO big! J/K! You look WONDERFUL!! I know you are ready to meet Mr. Will and I know he will have the best home a little boy could ask for! Hang in there! If you can make it through this heat, you can make it though anything!

thetoothchick said...

You look gorgeous! I am getting super excited for the addition of Will to your family. Thanks for all of the updates. Love ya.

Emily said...

Hil, you look beautiful but ready to meet that boy! I measured bigger with Asher too. That's the beauty of being short!!