I also wish I took before photos of our bathroom because I changed it up a little bit in there too.
We found this bedding set at Dillards back in December but I refused to pay what they were asking for it. After finding it I was on a mission. I wanted that set! I searched for it online and found it on several sites. I basically stalked the online stores for free shipping and coupons. Then low & behold I found it at at local bed/kitchen store. I got on e.bay and purchased a coupon for 20% off my ENTIRE purchase for only $1.47. Kevin thought it was silly that I was paying someone for a coupon they received free and he insisted that it was a scam. But it worked. I got 20% off my entire purchase which saved me tons! Another ways I reduced costs on my renovation was I made my own valances. I used the bedskirt for my curtains. You can't use a bedskirt on my bed so I cut it up and made my own. I am not a professional seamstress by anymeans but this was EASY! I need to go back and steam the curtains but I was eager to get them up.
It took Kevin and I over 2 hours to place these two wall vinyls on our wall. I love these things. I found each of these vinyls on Esty. I selected the style, color, and the verse I wanted.
Monogram vinyl
We got these candle thingys for our wedding. I used to have cream candles in it but switched them out for some brown ones. Then I added a ribbon and rhinestone.
So that is it. Its funny how much it has changed our bedroom. I am so happy we went with the color. I highly recommend switching things up a bit. I am a creature of habit. I never think to move furniture or move around the wall hangings but this renovation has inspired me to do so. It totally changed my mood...maybe it was the Buff Gold paint. I don't want to move for years!
Looks Great! I was anxious all night wondering what the finished result looked like. I love mini makeovers, they can really change the mood and make everything seem so fresh and new. Love the bedding too! Let me know if you ever need any help with that stuff. I worked at a bedding place, like Bed Bath and Beyond as a manager in the bedding department. (By the way, if you ever get a BBB coupon, keep them, even though they have an expiration date, you can use them ANYTIME! You can also use one, per item).
Glad it all turned out! Looks Great!
Beautiful Hil! I love everything!
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