Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mother's Day 2009...again

So I have been having some computer issues as well as being overcome by my allergies and some virus. I am starting to feel a little better...lets say well enough to turn the computer on and update the blog. Hopefully, I will get back on track with my journalin. I hope my readers know that this is more for my family and I in the future but I do enjoy sharing our adventures with you as well. So for with that said I am going to back track a little bit with the hopes of becoming caught up.

I'll start with Mother's Day 2009. Ever since I have become a mother, Kevin really goes out of his way to show me how much he appreciates all that I do for our little family. Not that he really has too because he tells me on a regular basis how much he appreciates me and loves me. I really don't need a special day, but to be honest...I LOVE IT. This year we got ready for church. I could tell something was going on downstairs because Z and Kevin were being super secretive. Before leaving for church the boys (Kev & Z) escorted me down stairs to get my presents. Zachary was so proud of his gift to me. So much so that he almost dropped it on the floor. He gave me a wonderful card and orange plant for my outdoor pots. It is so unique and very colorful.

Kevin then presented me with a beautiful card. I know this sounds like a commerical but I really do love the handwritten notes in my card more than the actual gift because it comes from the heart. However this year Kevin gave me something he knew I would use daily and LOVE. He got me a new iphone. He was right I use it daily and I love it. Thanks Kevin for spoiling me.

Later that night we went to my in-laws for a lovely dinner. I felt bad that my mother-in-law cooked dinner on her special day. But she insisted. Unfortunately, my sister had to work so they could not make it out. I enjoyed being surrounded by my mom and mother-in-law on this day as well. You can notice a small theme with our photos. Zachary had to have his golf club in both of the pictures. I did not realize it until later that night when I was looking at the photos. A memory we will have forever. Mother's day and golf!

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