Monday, April 5, 2010

Boys and their toys!

Elliott came out to play the other night and Zachary was so excited because it was nice! After dinner we took the boys outside to play. Boy, did they play! They really are best friends but they are at the age when they are super competitive and they want to do EXACTLY what the other one does or says. They are more like brothers than cousins because they argue one second and then hug in the next second. These photos crack me up because they were zooming so fast on the gator that I thought there was going to be an accident.

I am sure most people would not put helmets on their children when riding in these vehicles. However, I am married to the safety police. After about 1 minute I realized the helmets were a must. These two boys can't drive very good and they were dangerous :)

As I was taking this picture Z stepped on the gas...I thought E was going to get run over.

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