The award is called the
The Rules: Share five things you are obsessed with, and then pass the award on to five of the most fabulous blogs you read.
I must say that I don't feel deserving of the "Fabulous" award. My life is pretty standard and some might say boring. However there are approximately five things that I really enjoy in my day/week. I would not say that I am obsessed with but "enjoy" and really look forward too.
1. Coffeemate's Sugar-free Hazelnut Creamer with my Morning Coffee
One of the first things I do in the morning is turn on my coffee pot. I never was a coffee drinker until I became a mommy. Now it is one of the highlights of my mornings. I love my coffee but I really look forward to my sugarfree Hazelnut creamer. I think it is better than Starbucks! I used to say that I could be able to tell how my day was going to go with my little man. If I could drink my coffee then I knew that Zachary and I was going to have a peaceful day. If I only got half of my coffee drank then I knew that it was going to be a mildly stressful day. If I only got a sip or if I never got my cup off the counter then I knew that I was going to be a long, hectic day. Now that Z is three he almost always lets me have my coffee while I do a morning quiet time.
2. My Camera...currently my camera is in the shop.
It is nothing fancy in fact is is very basic. However I LOVE capturing the moment. I ALWAYS have it with me. It's not that I really love photography but I don't want to forget a thing. My friends think it is crazy how much I can remember about high school, college, etc but I swear it is just because I have taken a picture of almost every day of my life. Crazy...I know. However I love going back into my photos and remembering certain moments from my pictures.
3. Hob Lob...That is Kevin and Mines abbreviation for the Craft Store Hobby Lobby. I love wandering through the isles of Hobby Lobby. I try to think of ways I could use an item or re-purpose it. I don't have to buy a thing but I like to browse. Usually on Monday mornings after I drop Z off at preschool. I take twenty minutes...okay I mean about 45 minutes to browse, wish, and use my creative juices. It's something I look forward to each week.
3. Coupons...I never really used coupons until we took the Dave Ramsey class at church.Someone mentioned how much money they saved each week from coupons and I was shocked. I initially started to use them to prove that person wrong. Since then I always use coupons. However, I don't buy items that I normally would not use. In fact I am probably the most loyal grocery shopper there is...meaning that if I like Progresso Chicken and Noodle soup I will not buy another brand if I have another brands coupon. I know what coupons are out there and I will find one for what I need. I will hardly ever pay full price for something or pay for online shipping for an item until I find a coupon code for that store. I guess you could say I am obsessed with finding a good deal.
5. My iphone...
I feel bad posting items as "obsessions" but I truly do not think I could go back to my old flip phone. I use my iphone ALL THE TIME. Of course I use it as a phone but usually I am on it checking my e-mails, getting directions to certain places, looking up phone numbers, point counting on the Weight Watcher application, reading the newspaper, checking blogs, checking facebook, etc. When I am waiting on Z at preschool I can sit in a parking lot and check my phone. I feel that I manage my time a lot better with my iphone. Instead of wasting time answering e-mails when Z and I are home together I can do it while he is at preschool and I am on the go. I love it!
And here's the part where I hand out some Fabulous Awards some of my greatest friends....All of these ladys are FABULOUS TO ME!
Mel, Kim, Fawn, Jen, Rachel, Kelly, Alysia, Hilary, Danielle, Betsy, Tisha and Brooke
Tag You're IT!
It's funny how we mommies don't really feel that we deserve to be described as fabulous, but I'm beginning to think that we have our own definition. I sure enjoyed reading the list of things you're into more than the other ones I looked at! :)
P.S. I miss Hobby Lobby so much and I'm off to buy some flavored Coffeemate asap. (Interestingly, that also topped the list of another mommy I tagged!)
Hi Hillary! It's so nice to meet you!!! I love your blog! I think you and I probably have a lot more in common then just Hobby Lobby and Coffeemate. It's so nice to find blogs of other Christian mommies out there. Thanks for saying hi. I'll be checking back in!
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