Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I am loving life with 2 boys!  So much so that I never open up my laptop.  If I need to read e-mails or something like that I use my phone. Which is why my blogging is lacking.  I figured I better download a few new pictures so that I don't get totally behind. 
Will's bell button fell off last week which meant he got to take a "big boy" bath.  Z was so excited. Zachary was in the big tub and Will sat tubside in his baby tub.  Both boys loved it! 

It doesn't get any better than this. I told  Kevin the other day I could have a newborn in my house at all times....if and only if he/she was a good as Will is AND if they stayed a newborn :)   I love the coos, the cuddling, the smells of a clean newborn body, the touch of soft,soft hair.  Yum I could just eat him up! 

1 comment:

Misty said...

Sweet! I so agree with you. Hayden wasn't the easiest baby. (not the easiest little boy either...LOL) But I do LOVE babies. Everything about them makes me all warm inside!!! :0)